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youth-confidence-in-learning-and-the-futureThe Town of Milton is a place that has changed enormously. The population of the Town of Milton soared from 31,470 to 84,362 between 2001 and 2011, representing a 168% increase over that 10 year period. It is in this crucible that we launched the study, Youth Confidence in Learning and the Future: Mobilizing Youth as Agents of Change in Milton, where we explored the following questions:

  • Do young people have confidence in learning (in and out of school) and the future?
  • What are young people’s feelings about their learning experiences and their learning environments?

The Canadian Education Association (CEA), the Halton District School Board (HDSB) and Community Development Halton (CDH) sought to gain a better understanding of how youth living in Milton are feeling about themselves, their learning and their future. This youth engagement and research initiative involves students as partners in school and in community change and examines how young people’s confidence in their learning affects their aspirations, their confidence in the future and their belief that they can act on the world to have a positive impact.

Full Report

Executive Summary

Community Dispatch

Link – Youth Confidence in Learning and the Future on CEA Website

Video – Searching for Certainty in Uncertain Times – Youth Confidence in School, Community, and the Future