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The Canadian Urban Institute (CUI) continues to track the impacts of COVID-19 on Canadian cities, with a third Signpost report that signals a growing disconnect between virus-related research and recovery response.

A key takeaway from this report is in the midst of the incredible impact that Covid has had on our communities, it has become clear that “examining the risks and vulnerabilities in each city and neighbourhood is critical to not only understand the relationship between places and cases, but how recovery efforts can best support local populations most seriously affected.” This kind of examination requires access to good, neighbourhood-level data related to Covid, which is not readily available in most communities.

While there is not Halton specific data included in this report, many of issues and impacts of Covid identified in this report are being experienced in our community, especially as we are in the midst of a second wave. There is hope, as vaccines begin to roll out to our communities and as communities find more effective ways to make their cities more equitable, resilient, and livable once again.

 A Snapshot of COVID in Canada’s Cities at Day 300  https://covidsignpost.ca/300-days