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A Place Where Queer Muslims Can Embrace Their Uniqueness: Queer Halal Time

Tell us your name and the name of the project or initiative you are involved with.

My name is Muskan Arif and I am with Queer Halal Time.

“Queer Halal Time emerged as a vital sanctuary for those of us navigating the complexities of being both Queer and Muslim,”

What have you most loved and appreciated about the community project/initiative that you are involved in?

What I have most loved and appreciated about Queer Halal Time is the profound sense of joy and healing it fosters among Queer and Trans Muslims and our allies. Queer Halal Time emerged as a vital sanctuary for those of us navigating the complexities of being both Queer and Muslim. In a world that often overlooks and marginalizes our existence, this community has been a transformative experience of healing and joy.

What is your connection to the project/initiative, and why is it so important to you?

Being the Director of Advocacy for Queer Halal Time holds a deeply significant meaning for me. Founded by my dear friend Jihan Hussein and other Queer Muslims in Hamilton, this initiative aims to explore and affirm the intersection of our Queer and Muslim identities while challenging both Queerphobia and Islamophobia. Given my residence and work in Halton, my involvement in the executive team has facilitated the expansion of the initiative to the Halton community.

“Some examples of our initiatives include hosting two Queer Iftars during Ramadan for Queer/Trans Muslims and their allies and organizing a food drive where we cooked and served Iftar for 100 clients at Good Shepherd in Hamilton,”

To me, the importance of this initiative lies in its ability to challenge oppressive norms and reclaim our spiritual and religious spaces. We say our existence is resistance because by existing, we are inherently resisting both rigid mainstream orthodox interpretations of Islam and rigid colonial legacies and systems. In the face of orthodox interpretations of Islam and religion that often overlook or marginalize our identities, we proudly affirm the validity and richness of our lived experiences. We embrace Queerness within our faith of Islam. Similarly, within colonial systems that perpetuate oppression and marginalization toward Queer communities, our visibility and resilience defy the status quo. We refuse to be silenced or erased, standing boldly in our truth and standing for justice. Our existence as Queer Muslims disrupts the oppressive narratives of both colonialism and orthodox interpretations of Islam, paving the way for greater solidarity toward justice and liberation.

What is happening through the project/initiative that you would like to see more of?

Since our founding in January 2024, we have been focusing extensively on community engagement and advocacy. Some examples of our initiatives include hosting two Queer Iftars during Ramadan for Queer/Trans Muslims and their allies and organizing a food drive where we cooked and served Iftar for 100 clients at Good Shepherd in Hamilton. Additionally, we hold monthly coffee chats and board game nights in Hamilton, creating regular opportunities for community bonding and support. We also organize "Queer Halaqas," where we come together to explore the Quran, debunk traditional interpretations, and examine affirming messages for our Queer Muslim identities.

What we would like to see more of is increased community engagement and solidarity. Our strength lies in our ability to come together as a community, and expanding these efforts will help us support and uplift each other even more. More frequent community events, expanded outreach to new members, and greater collaboration with like-minded organizations are some of the ways we can continue to grow and strengthen our community. By doing so, we can foster a more inclusive, supportive, and affirming community for all Queer Muslims.

What would you like to see happen next for the project/initiative?

We would love to see further collaboration with organizations in the Hamilton and Halton communities. Our work since January 2024 could not have been possible without our amazing community partners, such as YWCA Hamilton, Compass Community Health, Good Shepherd Hamilton, and Ark and Anchor- a Queer-owned cafe in Hamilton.

Looking ahead, we envision deepening these partnerships and forging new ones to amplify our impact. Specifically, we aim to expand collaborative efforts through joint events with existing and new partners to reach a broader audience. This could include more community meals, workshops, and events that celebrate our diverse identities and foster greater solidarity.

We would also love to launch collaborative advocacy campaigns to raise awareness about Queer Muslim experiences. This can include public education workshops, media outreach, and policy advocacy to promote greater acceptance and justice.

“We could cultivate a culture of resilience, where healing and joy are integral parts of our journey toward justice and liberation,”

By pursuing these goals, we hope to build an even stronger community committed to mutual support and collective action.

What would you want or need from the community to make your next steps successful?

To make our next steps successful, we would greatly appreciate the following support and engagement from the community:

1. Increased Participation: We encourage Queer/Trans Muslims, along with allies, to actively participate in our events, discussions, and initiatives. The more people we have involved, the stronger our collective voice and impact will be.

2. Partnerships: We seek to forge new partnerships with organizations in the Hamilton and Halton areas. These collaborations can help us expand our reach, resources, and impact. If you are part of or know of an organization that aligns with our mission, please connect with us at

3. Funding and Donations: Financial support is crucial for sustaining and expanding our initiatives. We welcome donations, sponsorships, and funding opportunities to help cover the costs of events, materials, and outreach efforts. Contributions, big or small, make a significant difference.

4. Space for Events: Access to spaces for our gatherings, workshops, and events is essential. We would appreciate offers of space from community centers, religious institutions, businesses, or individuals who can provide a safe and welcoming environment for our activities.

5. Promotion and Awareness: Help us spread the word about Queer Halal Time and our initiatives. Share our events and programs on social media, within your networks, and in your communities. Raising awareness will help us reach more people who could benefit from our support.

If all those good things happened, what could be made possible in our community that wasn’t possible before?

If all those good things happened, the possibilities for our community would be transformative. Specifically, we could achieve a profound sense of belonging for Queer and Trans Muslims, something that may have felt out of reach before.

As I mentioned earlier, alongside our ongoing efforts for justice, Queer Halal Time strongly emphasizes the notion of joy in our struggle for justice and liberation. We believe that through collective joy, we can create spaces of healing, belonging, and empowerment.

With increased community engagement, partnerships, resources, and support, we could amplify our efforts to foster joy and healing within our community. We could organize more events and programs that celebrate our identities, create opportunities for connection and support, and provide spaces where Queer and Trans Muslims feel seen, valued, and accepted. Through collective joy, we could transcend the boundaries of societal expectations and thrive in our unique identities. We could cultivate a culture of resilience, where healing and joy are integral parts of our journey toward justice and liberation. Together, we could create a community where Queer and Trans Muslims find belonging, healing, and joy in abundance, all in the name of collective justice and liberation.

For more information about Queer Halal Time, visit their Instagram page called: @Queer_Halal_Time


What would happen if we celebrated what is strong in Halton?

Community Development Halton is interested in sharing the news of individuals, groups and organizations that are strength based, working at the edges and the middle of issues of community well-being, social justice and community building in Halton.

If you are interested in sharing your story, please head to the following LINK. We are excited to hear from you!



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