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Community, Sports and Events: Lawn Bowls Milton

Updated: Feb 23

Curated by Takyrah Anderson

Lawn Bowls Milton was formed in 1913 as the Milton Lawn Bowling Club. Its green and clubhouse are located on Commercial Drive just south of Main Street in Milton – a convenient location for members who are either retired or live nearby. The Club’s playing season runs from early May to October and our green is typically in use at least five days a week, with three time slots available each day. As a low-impact sport, lawn bowling offers a great way of staying fit within a socially welcoming environment in addition to affording a way to compete at a variety of levels for many years. Location, sociability, accessibility, and health benefits all help sustain the Club’s activities.

What members of Lawn Bowls Milton love and appreciate about the surrounding community:

In addition to casual and league play, Lawn Bowls Milton also hosts tournaments and rents out its facilities for a variety of community events. This year for example the Club has welcomed local high school students, Milton’s fire fighters, the Milton Hospice Marathon and a Cystic Fibrosis fundraiser. For these types of events, our club members set up the facility and provide necessary equipment and bowling instruction. It should be noted that Club members are expected to volunteer their services to help maintain the Club and its facilities, in addition to assisting with community events. In this way the Club gives back to the surrounding community and works hand-in-hand with the Milton Curling Club (as many members turn to curling once the lawn bowling season ends).

What draws people to the Club and it’s Green:

Many people drive by our Club’s facilities without recognizing their purpose and are often surprised when they see the Green in action. It is in a way a hidden resource and many passers-by will often stop and watch the games in progress. At the other end of the spectrum, the Club also hosts both ‘In-Club’ and ‘Open’ tournaments that draw bowlers from across the Region. It is also worth noting that this year two members of our Club were inducted into the Milton Sports Hall of Fame (one for bowing and the other for curling),”

Connection to the Club, and why is it so important:

Members quickly learn to appreciate the game of lawn bowling and frequently bowl for many years. In a typical week, most members choose to bowl two or three times a week but there are those who play almost every available day. Whatever the frequency of their play members all enjoy being a part of the community the Club helps foster and are grateful to the local sponsors who support the Club. They include:

  • Birkdale Place

  • CPIS – Canadian Private Investigation Services

  • Lynda Cross Broker

  • Guaranteed Green Lawn Care

  • Martindale Gardens

  • Master Gloss Ltd.

  • Milton Denture Clinic

  • McKersey & Early Funeral Home

  • Nacora

  • Milton Nissan

  • Robert Lee Financial

  • The Dance Class Milton

  • The Escarpment Tea Room

  • Scott’s Car Care


The financial assistance provided by these sponsors sustains community involvement and helps the Club attract out of area teams to participate in tournament play.

Initiatives that help sustain the Club, that we would like to see more of?

The Club strives to make the game affordable by keeping annual membership fees low, loaning equipment to new bowlers and providing free tuition from trained instructors. This means that the Club must rely on and encourage sponsorship, stage paying events and apply for financial assistance/grants to help maintain operational equipment and stage tournaments. As previously noted, most of the required labour is supplied by club members who are expected to volunteer their expertise and assistance in a variety of capacities.

“Continued financial support from the community is essential to our existence as we move forward,”

 What is on the horizon for the Lawn Bowls Milton?

We would welcome more members especially young people as they really enjoy the game but rarely sign up. It is worth noting, however, that this year two members of our Club were inducted into the Milton Sports Hall of Fame so there are real opportunities to shine in competition.

This past year the Club also introduced “Fun Friday’s” nights that allowed people to both enjoy, live music, DJ’s &  BBQ and receive an introduction to bowling. In 2024, three more of these special events are planned. Such events are important as membership turnover is important to stay in operation.

 What part does the community play in making the Club successful?

While membership fees cover known operational costs, Lawn Bowls Milton is reliant upon grants to help with major capital expenses such as facility upgrades and equipment replacement. In the last couple of years, we have re-clad our clubhouse and are currently seeking to replace one of our two greens mowers. Continued financial support from the community is, therefore, essential to our existence as we move forward.

 If assistance is forthcoming, what goals would be realized that have not been possible in our community before?

Our facility is ideally situated but of a set size. Achieving 100% utilization is, therefore, a goal we are always chasing. This means expanding/sustaining our membership, keeping our green in its present pristine condition and promoting lawn bowling as a beneficial sport to players of all ages.

If you would like to know more about the Lawn Bowls Milton, Check out our website!


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