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Supporting Artists Through Clothing: The Wearable Art Show

Updated: Feb 23

Curated by Takyrah Anderson

Tell us your name and the name of the project or initiative you are involved with.

My name is Catherine Goetz. I volunteer for a not-for-profit company known as The Wearable Art Show.

What have you most loved and appreciated about the community project/initiative that you are involved in?

I very much love how it brings together makers of wearable art in one fabulous venue, to sell their wares to the buying public.

What is your connection to the project/initiative, and why is it so important to you?I am the Secretary-Treasurer of The Wearable Art Show, an unpaid and totally volunteer position. It allows me to connect with those who appreciate wearable art and those who create it.

What is happening through the project/initiative that you would like to see more of?

I would like to see more makers take advantage of the opportunities we provide for them to connect with buyers so they can make a reasonable living from their work.

What would you like to see happen next for the project/initiative?

We absolutely need more makers and buyers to make The Wearable Art Show financially self-sustaining. Supplier costs have increased dramatically; generating more revenue is needed to keep us going.

What would you want or need from the community to make your next steps successful?

Increased awareness within the Halton community would encourage more makers to participate and more buyers to come out to our annual event.

If all those good things happened, what could be made possible in our community that wasn’t possible before?

We would really like to see more participation from local artisans and makers to help them in establishing and sustaining their businesses. We particularly would like more involvement from textile arts students in our local colleges and universities as we have a program for emerging artists.

To learn more about the Wearable Art Show go to


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