905-632-1975 | 1-855-395-8807 office@cdhalton.ca
Calculating a Living Wage for Halton – 2016 Update

Calculating a Living Wage for Halton – 2016 Update

This report documents the process and data used in the updating of a living wage for Halton Region for 2016. A living wage of $17.95/hour has been calculated for a Halton family of four (2 parents, one boy aged 10 and one girl aged 14). As with the 2013 discussion...

A Living Wage for Halton Region

Community Development Halton releases the calculation of a living wage for Halton Region. A living wage is not a minimum wage which is set by government without consideration of the ability of working people to have a quality of life. A living wage is envisioned as a...
Vol. 22, #2 – Ontario Basic Income Pilot

Vol. 22, #2 – Ontario Basic Income Pilot

April 2017 The Ontario Ministry of Community and Social Services announced that the Province of Ontario will pilot a Basic Income Program in three areas: Hamilton, Brantford, Brant County; Thunder Bay and surrounding area; and Lindsay. They state that “the purpose of...
Vol. 22, #2 – Ontario Basic Income Pilot

Vol. 22, #1 – Community Hubs in Halton

February 2017 The Premier’s Advisory Group on Community Hubs published their report Community Hubs in Ontario: A Strategic Framework and Action Plan in August 2015. Although community hubs have been around for decades, momentum surrounding hubs has increased due to...
Community Hubs in Halton

Community Hubs in Halton

The Premier’s Advisory Group on Community Hubs published their report Community Hubs in Ontario: A Strategic Framework and Action Plan in August 2015. Although community hubs have been around for decades, momentum surrounding hubs has increased due to Premier Wynne’s...