905-632-1975 | 1-855-395-8807 office@cdhalton.ca

Developing the Diversity-Competent Organization

The workshop, Developing the Diversity-Competent Organization, took place January 22, 2004. About one hundred individuals from Halton and Peel were in attendance. The event was presented by the Social Planning Council of Peel and Community Development Halton in...

Report Cards on Poverty in Oakville

This series of three report cards, prepared on the behalf of the United Way of Oakville, provide an overview of poverty as it affects three population groups: seniors, newcomers and families. Follow the links below to read more: Report Card on Poverty – Oakville...

Profile of Newcomers in Halton

In January 2010, in a coordinated planning session hosted by the Halton Multicultural Council, more than 15 organizations identified the need for coordinated cross-sector planning targeted at improving quality of life for newcomers. There was general agreement for a...

Incomes and Poverty Report – Burlington

This report, requested by the United Way of Burlington and Greater Hamilton (UWBGH), explores the social and spatial dimensions of poverty by various population groups such as newcomers, people living with disabilities, seniors and children. Although it relies on the...

Changing Faces – Profile of Oakville Newcomers

Between 2001 and 2006 over 2,600 foreign born individuals have settled in the Town of Oakville. This represents 4.1% of the population, which is above the national average (3.5%) and below the provincial average (4.8%). Most Oakville newcomers are from non-European...