905-632-1975 | 1-855-395-8807 office@cdhalton.ca

Social Planning

Helps the community identify strengths and challenges and determine ways to improve the quality of life for residents in Halton.

Community Dispatch

Vol. 1, #1 – Housing

September 1996   The Community Development Halton is a member of the Halton Housing Coalition (HHC), a grouping of housing and service providers who are concerned about the quality of housing for low and moderate income residents in Halton.   Tenant...

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Vol. 7, #2 – Embracing Smart Growth – Which Path?

March 2003 This edition of Community Dispatch presents highlights of the Council's recent report: Embracing Smart Growth - Which Path? It offers the Council's observations on the proposed changes to the Halton Official Plan. Background The Regional Municipality of...

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Vol. 8, #13 – Canada Votes 2004 – Taxation

June 2004 Community Development Halton wishes to acknowledge the Social Planning and Research Council of British Columbia, SPARC BC, for the development of the materials in Canada Votes 2004. Community Development Halton has made changes to this material in order to...

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Vol. 11, #2 – Poverty In Canada: Our Disgrace

October 2006 The United Nations has designated October 17 as International Day for the Elimination of Poverty. I thought it important on this day to reflect on Canada's record to eliminate poverty across our land. Poverty has a devastating impact. It represents...

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