905-632-1975 | 1-855-395-8807 office@cdhalton.ca

Social Planning

Helps the community identify strengths and challenges and determine ways to improve the quality of life for residents in Halton.

Community Dispatch

Vol. 12, #2 – We Can’t Afford To Do Business This Way

November 2007 There is a significant and growing administrative burden on organizations in the social sector, as heightened demands for funding accountability in the government sector have led to increased demands for evidence of compliance and accountability in the...

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Vol. 2, #1 – Health Promotion Plan: Priorities

September 1997 Introduction In Halton, the continued commitment to work collaboratively to promote health and healthy communities is reflected in a unique project: The Halton Quality of Life Initiative. This collaborative planning group consists of the Region of...

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Vol. 2, #2 – Annual Meeting Keynote Address

December 1997   On behalf of the Halton Social Planning Council and Volunteer Centre, I would like to extend our Seasons Greetings to all and our best wishes for a fruitful New Year. These are turbulent times, marked by dramatic changes, which affect us on a...

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