905-632-1975 | 1-855-395-8807 office@cdhalton.ca

Story Curated by Takyrah Anderson

Tell us your name and the name of the project or initiative you are involved with.

My name is Aiden Lee and I am part of the Super Ability Crew. www.superabilitycrew.com

What have you most loved and appreciated about the community project/initiative that you are involved in?

I love how we are a community helping other communities, we’re one big family. We are made  up of youth and young adults of all abilities.

What is your connection to the project/initiative, and why is it so important to you?

As part of the core founders, I realized that society did not have many groups run by people with disability for people of disability. We recognized that there was a need in the community during our Halton Youth Disability Advisory Council (HYDAC) meetings and addressed it by starting the Super Ability Crew for all abilities. I think independence and free thinking are the foundations for equity, as well as belonging. Super Ability Crew is all about learning and empowerment, inspiring parents of young kids with disabilities, adults and others to be the best they can be.

 You said you are one of the co-founders. Who are the other founders of this organization and how has building this organization been like for you?

 Part of the co-founders are the core members Jeffrey, Zoe, and me, Aiden. We stand beside each other through thick and thin. We listen, learn and create while supporting one another.

So being respected and valued for who you are is probably the most important part of any community. No matter what labels people place on us, we all want to feel appreciated and loved. We are capable, with lots of skills, talents and strengths that are pretty amazing – our super abilities.

In a group we can motivate and encourage each other, while celebrating our differences.

What is happening through the project/initiative that you would like to see more of?
I would love to see grassroots groups like Super Ability Crew supported by other community organizations. Opportunities to share ideas, inclusion initiatives, and different events. Building acceptance is key for all our members, plus respect and understanding while changing stigmas that are often tied to people with disabilities.

What current projects are you working on and how does it impact your initiative?

We have the monthly HYDAC (Halton Youth Disability Advisory Council) meetings, community paint nights and community art sessions in which we encourage connection through the arts and bring families together. There is the Garden Club (pollinator garden) for summer and fall, as well as the inspiring Music Club which runs bi-weekly and the iCAN Discover project where the group learns something new bi-weekly.

What would you like to see happen next for the project/initiative?

To gain more recognition and to be valued for our contributions to society. Perhaps seeing people of all abilities represented more in everyday life, employment, media, government, etc. Nothing about us without us.

If all those good things happened, what could be made possible in our community that wasn’t possible before?

Seeing people of all abilities be successful role models and demonstrating their capabilities will dispel stigmas and also inspire younger people with disabilities to see what’s possible!


Be a newsmaker!

What would happen if we celebrated what is strong in Halton?

Community Development Halton is interested in sharing the news of individuals, groups and organizations that are strength-based, working at the edges and the middle of issues of community well-being, social justice and community building in Halton.

If you are interested in sharing your story, please head to the following LINK. We are excited to hear from you!