905-632-1975 | 1-855-395-8807 office@cdhalton.ca
A Snapshot of COVID in Canada’s Cities at Day 300

A Snapshot of COVID in Canada’s Cities at Day 300

The Canadian Urban Institute (CUI) continues to track the impacts of COVID-19 on Canadian cities, with a third Signpost report that signals a growing disconnect between virus-related research and recovery response. A key takeaway from this report is in the midst of...

Volunteer Centres: An Untapped Resource

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE September 11, 2020. Volunteer Halton joins Volunteer Centre colleagues across the country in publishing a co-authored, open letter to advocate for the essential role of volunteers, and the systems that enable them, during the recovery of our...
Community Lens #167 – Home Support Workers in Halton

Community Lens #167 – Home Support Workers in Halton

This Community Lens looks at home support workers in Halton using 2016 Census data. It finds that home support workers in Halton are predominantly female, over half are immigrants and they earn 47 cents for every dollar earned by the average worker.  Download...

Announcement of New Executive Director

After a thorough and rigorous search process, the Board of Directors of Community Development Halton (CDH) is delighted to announce that Michael Nixon has agreed to join CDH as its Executive Director. Mike is a Halton resident and brings with him very significant...