905-632-1975 | 1-855-395-8807 office@cdhalton.ca

Canadian Code for Volunteer Involvement

Volunteer Canada created the Canadian Code for Volunteer Involvement (CCVI) to support organizations that engage volunteers. The CCVI is a guide for involving volunteers in all levels of an organization. This includes volunteers working in leadership, direct service...
Search Volunteer Opportunities

Search Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteer Halton connects people looking to volunteer with organizations that need volunteers. Want to Volunteer? Go to Volunteer Now! on the top menu to start your search. The new and improved Halton Volunteer Opportunities Database is now featuring Virtual...
Messages of Hope and Kindness

Messages of Hope and Kindness

Messages of Hope and Kindness To help combat loneliness and isolation during the winter holidays, the Halton Hills Public Library (Georgetown Branch) in partnership with Community Development Halton’s Age-Friendly Program and Food For Life has launched a Library Care...
National Volunteer Week 2018

National Volunteer Week 2018

Each year we dedicate a special time to honour citizens who volunteer their time and talents to worthy causes across our country, region and the local community. We want to acknowledge the incredible efforts of volunteers across Halton and say THANK YOU. National...

Volunteer Halton Events

Social Planning Social Planning helps communities identify strengths and weaknesses and determine ways to improve the quality of life in the community. [Read More] Volunteer Halton Volunteer Halton supports non-profit agencies with training, consulting and the...