905-632-1975 | 1-855-395-8807 office@cdhalton.ca

Volunteer Halton





Community Lens





National Volunteer Week




Building Community Together

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Personal Reflections on Older Adult Isolation

Personal Reflections on Older Adult Isolation

Personal Reflections: A Community Eases Older Adult Isolation by Michael P. Nixon, Executive Director, Community Development Halton HAPPY BIRTHDAY! It always amazes me to see how special – and often simple – expressions of caring can bring so much happiness and hope...

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Community Lens #173 – Income Inequality in Halton

Community Lens #173 – Income Inequality in Halton

This Community Lens looks at income inequality in Halton using 2018 taxfiler data. The widening income gap between the rich and the poor can impact negatively on economic growth, standard of living, health and wellbeing, and social inclusion. Also raises a moral...

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Community Lens #172 – Working Poor in Halton

Community Lens #172 – Working Poor in Halton

This Community Lens looks at working poor in Halton using 2018 taxfiler data. As we come out of the pandemic, how we respond to those that have been most impacted is critical to recovery. If you have any feedback on the issue of working poor in Halton, you can contact...

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Video – Housing Strategy Virtual Launch

Video – Housing Strategy Virtual Launch

The Housing Strategy Virtual Launch (on March 8, 2021) video is now available. Listen to our colleagues at Community Development Halton, Ted Hildebrandt, Director of Social Planning, presenting about Housing Overview of Burlington, and Heather Thompson, Director of...

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A Snapshot of COVID in Canada’s Cities at Day 300

A Snapshot of COVID in Canada’s Cities at Day 300

The Canadian Urban Institute (CUI) continues to track the impacts of COVID-19 on Canadian cities, with a third Signpost report that signals a growing disconnect between virus-related research and recovery response. A key takeaway from this report is in the midst of...

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