905-632-1975 | 1-855-395-8807 office@cdhalton.ca

Social Planning

Helps the community identify strengths and challenges and determine ways to improve the quality of life for residents in Halton.


Our Halton 2023: Housing

Our Halton 2023: Housing

In issue three of the Our Halton series, the focus is on housing. The report looks at how various socio-demographic characteristics of the population are shaping the housing market. It highlights the changes in housing supply in terms of period of construction, type...

Our Halton 2023: Income Inequality & Poverty

Our Halton 2023: Income Inequality & Poverty

In issue two of the Our Halton series, the focus is on income, inequality, and poverty. The report provides the reader with explanations for and details on several measures of poverty. The report also highlights groups of residents that experience inequity and poverty...

Our Halton: Women

Our Halton: Women

Community Development Halton is pleased to release the first of a seven part series called Our Halton. Each issue of the series focuses on population groups such as older adults, women, children and youth, racialized people, recent immigrants, and Indigenous...

Impact of Covid-19 on Halton’s Non-Profit Human Service Sector

Impact of Covid-19 on Halton’s Non-Profit Human Service Sector

  The COVID-19 pandemic has transformed Halton-based non-profits. Increased demand for essential services, disrupted programming, and shifting tides of funding, labour, and partnerships continue to challenge the sector three years later. Yet, while navigating a...

Analysis of MAS Nonprofit Survey

Analysis of MAS Nonprofit Survey

This Community Development Halton (CDH) publication uses the results of a June 2021 survey called, ‘Canadian NFPs/Charities, Study Report’, which was undertaken and published by Management Advice Service (MAS) in September 2021. MAS provides not-for-profit...

Calculating a Living Wage for Halton – 2021 Update

Calculating a Living Wage for Halton – 2021 Update

The living wage is the hourly rate that ensures that a person working full time, full year, earns enough to participate in the normal life of their community. In Halton the rate has been calculated to be $20.75 per hour (2021).

Our Impact Within Halton 2020-2021

Our Impact Within Halton 2020-2021

We are pleased to provide a review of the fiscal year 2020-21 for Community Development Halton.  As it was for all organizations during the past year through the pandemic, this business year was unique - challenging yet fulfilling.  An amazing team effort involving...

Survey Report – Impact of COVID-19 on Volunteer Engagement Programs in Halton

Survey Report – Impact of COVID-19 on Volunteer Engagement Programs in Halton

The impact of COVID-19 on the engagement of volunteers, on volunteer programs, and on community needs in relation to volunteers going forward. To ensure an effective assessment of the current model of the Volunteer Centre, gaining some insight into what was happening with volunteer programs in Halton due to COVID is important.

Possibilities Café Report

Possibilities Café Report

Early in 2019, the Board and staff began a process of examining the role of CDH in the community in a process of re-visioning with a view to the future. The method that was used is a group conversation process known as World Café (in this case, the sessions were called “Possibilities Cafés”.)

Calculating a Living Wage for Halton – 2019 Update

Calculating a Living Wage for Halton – 2019 Update

This report documents the process and data used in the updating of a living wage for Halton Region for 2019. A living wage of $20.38/hour has been calculated for a Halton family of four (2 parents, one boy aged 7 and one girl aged 3).