905-632-1975 | 1-855-395-8807 office@cdhalton.ca

Social Planning

Helps the community identify strengths and challenges and determine ways to improve the quality of life for residents in Halton.


Our Halton 2023: Children and Youth

Our Halton 2023: Children and Youth

This is the last in the Our Halton 2023 series. In issue seven of the Our Halton series, the focus is on children and youth. Using the data from the 2021 Census and other data sources, the report takes a closer look of the children and youth population in Halton...

Community Data Watch, June 2024: Nourishing Community

Community Data Watch, June 2024: Nourishing Community

This report describes some of the community assets that individually or in partnership are focused on relieving food insecurity in Halton. The additional benefits of volunteerism, connection and community building make many of those programs and supports that much...

Community Data Watch, June 2024: Nourishing Community

Housing Disparities Among Racialized People, May 2024

Comparisons made between racialized and non-racialized households helps identify inequalities in access to housing, discrimination in the housing market, and disparities in housing conditions. Understanding these issues is the first step in addressing them...

Community Data Watch, June 2024: Nourishing Community

Community Data Watch April 2024, Halton’s Rental Landscape

The April 2024 Community Data Watch focuses on the geographic distribution pattern of renter households and shelter costs (average rent) at the neighbourhood level. This publication identifies areas with high concentrations of renter households to pinpoint locations...

Our Halton 2023: Older Adults

Our Halton 2023: Older Adults

In Halton, the older adult population is projected to reach 294,000 in the next 24 years (2022-2046)...older adults will represent 29.2% of the total population. In issue six of Community Development Halton's Our Halton series, the focus is on older adults (aged 55...

Community Data Watch, June 2024: Nourishing Community

Community Data Watch, March 2024: Racialized Women

Women represent slightly over half (51.1%) of the total population in Canada. IN Halton between 2001 and 2021, the women's population has increased by 59% to over 300,000 people. The growth rate has been largely driven by the population of racialized women which...

Our Halton 2023: Diversity

Our Halton 2023: Diversity

In issue five of the 2023 Our Halton series, the focus is on diversity. Diversity is about the individual. It is about the variety of unique dimensions, qualities, and characteristics we all possess, and the mix that occurs in any group of people. Race, ethnicity,...

Community Data Watch: February 2024, International Students

Community Data Watch: February 2024, International Students

Recently, international students in Canada are receiving noticeably more media coverage relating to immigration policies, current housing crises, cost of living, tuition fees and international student frauds. Using data from Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship...

Community Data Watch: Where is Poverty in Halton?

Community Data Watch: Where is Poverty in Halton?

January 25, 2024 We are pleased to be releasing a new monthly publication called Community Data Watch. Community Development Halton (CDH) has recently released a report on income inequality and poverty in Halton. In this edition of Community Data Watch we have added a...

Our Halton 2023: Volunteerism

Our Halton 2023: Volunteerism

In issue four of the Our Halton series, the focus is on volunteerism. Unlike the other issues of the Our Halton series, the topic of volunteerism is not covered in the 2021 Census data from Statistics Canada, however, Community Development Halton felt that...